Genre- English Short Stories

21. Change Yourself and not The World: 

Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very happy as they led a very prosperous life with an abundance of wealth and no misfortunes.

Once, the king decided to go visiting places of historical importance and pilgrim centers in distant places. He decided to travel on foot to interact with his people. People of distant places were very happy to have a conversation with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.

After several weeks of travel, the king... Read More 

22. Strong or Weak :

There was a Proud teak tree in the forest. He was tall and strong. There was a small herb next to the tree.

The teak tree said, "I am very handsome and strong. No one can defeat me." Hearing this, the herb replied, "Dear friend, too much pride is harmful. Even the strong will fall one day."

The teak tree ignored the herb's words. He continued to praise himself.

A strong wind blew, the teak tree..... Read More

23. The Golden Egg : 

A farmer had many hens in his firm.
One of them would lay a golden egg every day. he could not believe yet, after two or three days later he believes. And he started to think that if he got a golden egg daily he would become rich in the village.
He sold the golden egg and after some years he became rich.

One day, he thought that......... Read More
24.The Cat and the shadow :


The cat 🐈 and The Shadow:

A cat stole a piece of fish from a kitchen. It began to run very fast. It came to a stream. The stream was bridged by a plank. As he walked across the plank, he saw a very strange sight.
The water in the stream was clear and quiet. It saw another cat with another fish in its mouth in the water.

“Ho!..." said the cat.... Read More

25.An Unexpected Experience : 

An Unexpected Experience:

It was a cold and windy night. My girlfriend and I had met after a long time and were chatting for hours. We did not notice the time passing by, and soon it was close to ten in the night. We decided to take an auto uber to go to our house.

It started snowfalls, and we hurried to get into an uber and reach our place. But we're not finding any uber. So, we thought that we should take auto rikshaw, and unfortunately....

26.The Platinum Ring : 

The Platinum Ring:

A Father gave his money and ring to his sons. He showed them his platinum ring and said to them, “I am not giving this ring to you now. Go out and do some noble deeds. Then come to me. Tell me about your needs. Then I will give this ring to one of you. The ring will be the reward for the noblest-deed."

The sons went out. They did noble deeds. After some months, they returned to their father.

One of the sons said, “Father… Read More

27.The Strange Bird with Two Heads:

The Strange Bird with Two Heads:

Once upon a time, there lived a strange bird with two heads; one facing the left and the other facing the right. The two heads used to fight and argue with each other, even for very simple reasons. Though they shared the same body, the two heads behaved like rivals!

The strange bird lived in a big banyan tree, along the bank of a river.

One day, while flying over the river, the left head of the.. Read More

28.The Thirsty Crow:

The Thirsty Crow:

One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up hope.

Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug!

The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that.....Read More

29.Money Can't Buy Everything:

Money Can't Buy Everything:

Nick was a 10-year-old boy. He was the only son of his parents. Nick's father was a very busy businessman who could not spend time with his son. He came home after Nick slept, and was off to the office before Nick woke up in the morning. Nick yearned for his father's attention. He wanted to go outdoors and play with his father just like his friends did.

One day, Nick was surprised to ......Read More

30.The Ant and the Dove:

The Ant and the Dove:

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and ...... Read More

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