Best Short story English :

 1.  When Animosity Knocks:

Mary was a young girl. She used to get annoyed with everything. She had a negative attitude towards life.

Once, when she felt that life was unbearable, she asked her father what to do. She told him that if she was able to manage and solve one problem, another one followed quickly.

Her father consoled her and took her to the kitchen. He asked Mary to take a potato, an egg, and two spoons of tea leaves. Mary was surprised, and asked her father, "Do you want me to cook?"
"No," her father said.....       Read More

2Real vs Fake : 

Sohi was a sweet, lovable, and Beautiful girl, aged six years. She was an adorable kid as she always obeyed her elders. Sohi parents loved her for her amazing behavior.

One day, Sohi's mother took her grocery shopping. As they passed the shops, Sohi noted a cute plastic pearl necklace in dazzling pink! She asked her mother to buy her the necklace. Her mother told her that it cost quite a few pennies. She asked her to do some chores so that for every completed piece of work Sohi would get some money and she could buy the pink necklace......   Read More

3. Don't desire to walk:

Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. He was fond of birds and animals and had a huge bird sanctuary in his kingdom. He disliked harming the animals and birds. He did not kill them even for meat.

In appreciation of his generosity and kindness towards birds, the king was gifted two beautiful falcons by a businessman. Those two falcons were used to different climatic conditions. The king thanked the businessman and ordered the....... Read More

4. The Hidden Treasure :

Once, there was an old man who had four sons. All four of them were very lazy.

One day, the old man fell sick and was counting his last days in bed. He worried a lot about his sons' future as the young men hesitated a lot to work. The sons believed that luck would favour them.

The old man's health deteriorated every day and he decided to talk to his sons about their future. However, his sons did not listen to him.

Finally, the old man decided to........ Read More

5. Health is Wealth : 

Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. But the people weren't happy with their king because the king was very lazy and would not do anything other than eating and sleeping.

He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping. The king became a potato couch and the people started to worry about the king.

One day, the king realized that he couldn't even move his body, not even his foot. He became very fat and his enemies made fun of him, calling him 'fatty king', 'bulky king' etc.

The king invited expert doctors from various parts of his......... Read More

6. The Three Donkeys:

Once, three Donkeys lived in a green and fresh pasture near a forest: a white donkey, a black, and a reddish-brown. The donkeys were kind to each other. They used to graze in the meadow together and sleep near each other.

One day, a reddish-brown lion happened to take a stroll out of the forest onto the meadow. It was hungry and looking for prey. On catching sight of the donkeys it became glad, but couldn't attack them, because they were together. So, the lion sat behind a boulder and patiently waited till the donkeys would separate from each other.

However, Donkeys...... Read More

7. The Tree and The Travellers : 

Once, there was a huge tree with a broad trunk and innumerable branches right in the middle of dry land. The tree gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. Being located near four towns, and many villages, the tree was an ideal meeting point for travelers.

One day, two travelers reached the tree after a long time of walking. Their destination was one of the towns nearby. It was a hot and sunny day, and the travelers were very happy to take a rest under the tree. Exhausted, they slumped under the tree. They slept for a while, enjoying the cool shade and the soft breeze.

After a while, one of the...... Read More

8. The Rope : 

The night fell heavy on the heights of the mountains and the man could not see anything. There was zero visibility; the moon and the stars were covered by the clouds.

When he was just a few feet below the top of the mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at great speed. He could see only black spots as he went down, and feel the terrible sensation of being sucked in by gravity.

He kept falling, and in those..... Read More

9. Proud Red Rose : 

One beautiful spring day a red rose blossomed in a forest. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby said, "What a beautiful flower! I wish I was that lovely." Another tree said, "Dear pine, do not be sad. We cannot have everything."

The rose turned and remarked, "It seems that I am the most beautiful flower in this forest."

A sunflower raised its yellow head and asked, "Why do you say that? In this forest, there are....

10. The Bunny and The Tortoise :

There once was a speedy Bunny 🐰 who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, the Tortoise challenged him to a race. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch.

The Bunny ran down the road for a while and then paused to rest. He looked back at the tortoise and cried out, "How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?"

The Bunny stretched himself out........ Read More

Thanksgiving - English stories


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