Genre- Short stories English :

 11. The Ant and the Grasshopper:

One summer's day, in a field, a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great effort an ear of corn he was taking to his nest.

"Why don't you come and chat with me," asked the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling your life away?"

"I am helping........... Read More

12.The Greedy Mouse : 

A greedy mouse saw a basket full of corn. He wanted to eat it. So he made a small hole in the basket. He squeezed in through the hole. He ate a lot of corn. He felt full and was very happy.

Now he wanted to come out. He tried to come out through the small hole. He could not. His belly was full. He tried again. But it was of no use.

The mouse started crying...... Read More

13.  The Devoted Mother :

A mother duck and her little ducklings were on their way to a lake one day. The ducklings were very happy following their mother and quack-quacking along the way.

All of a sudden, the mother duck saw a fox at a distance. She was frightened, and shouted, "Children, hurry to the lake. There's a fox!"

The ducklings hurried towards the lake. The mother duck wondered what to do. Then she began to walk back and forth dragging one wing on the ground.

 Devoted Mother 2When the...... Read More

14. The boy of the Farmer :

One dark night a lame boy went to the house of a farmer. He said to the farmer, “I am not a beggar. I will work for you. I will plow your lands. I will sow. My father is dead. My mother is poor. I am hungry. Please give me some food."

The farmer’s wife was sorry for the boy. She said to the farmer. “Do not drive away from this boy."

She turned to the boy and said, “Stay here. We will give you food."

The farmer’s daughter liked the boy. She said........ Read More

15. The Hawk :

Long years ago, a hawk lived on the top of a hill. At the foot of the hill, there was a banyan tree on which a crow used to perch every day. The crow was very foolish. He would imitate everyone.

The hawk atop the hill would fly down every day in search of food. The crow watched the hawk circling in the air for long hours and swooping down when he saw his prey. The hawk was gifted with eyes that could see long distances would spot his prey from the hilltop and then fly down to pounce upon the prey.

The crow watched the........  Read More

15.Taking Responsibility :

Two families lived nearby. One family was constantly fighting while the other one lived quietly and friendly. One day, feeling jealous about how nicely the neighboring family got along, the wife told her husband….Go to the neighbors and look to see what they are doing for their well-being.

The husband went, hid, and began watching. He saw a woman who was cleaning the floor. Suddenly something distracted her and she ran to the kitchen. At that time........ Read More

16. Listen to your Heart :

This brought me to tears. What a powerful lesson at that time.

A Rich man was retiring when an angel of death came to him. He had worked long and hard to acquire massive wealth and retire in luxury, and could not believe that his time was up. Being a very wealthy person, he decided to buy some more time from the angel of death at any cost. He bargained for a long time but the angel was unmoved. Desperate, the rich..... Read More

17.The Crystal Ball : 

In the south of Spain, there was a small village whose people were very joyful. The children played under the shades of trees in the gardens of their homes.

A shepherd boy named Nasir stayed near the village with his father, mother, and grandmother. Each morning, he took his herd of goats up the hills to find a suitable place for them to graze. In the afternoon he would return with them to the village. Each night his grandmother would tell him a story - the story of stars. This story really interested in Nasir.

On one of those days, as Nasir was watching his....... Read More

18. Greedy Boy :

Sam and Tom were identical twins. They were so identical that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at least during their initial days on earth.

However, they were very different from each other when it came to everything other than their appearance. Sam had no friends, while Tom was a great friendship maker. Sam loved sweets, but Tom loved spicy food and detested sweets. Sam was mommy's pet and Tom was daddy's pet. While Sam was generous and selfless, Tom was greedy and selfish!

As Sam and Tom grew up, their father.......Read More

19.Unhelpful Friends:

Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was proud of his friends. One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking of wild dogs. He was very scared. He decided to ask for help. He quickly went to his friend deer. He said, "Dear friend, some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you chase them away with your sharp antlers?"

The deer said, "That is right, I can. But now I am busy. Why don't you ask a bear for help?"

Bunny rabbit...... Read More
20. A Merchant and his Donkey : 

One beautiful spring morning, a merchant loaded his donkey with bags of salt to go to the market, in order to sell the salt. The merchant and his donkey were walking along together. They had not walked far when they reached a river on the way.

Unfortunately, the donkey slipped and fell into the river. As it scrambled up the bank of the river, it noticed that the bags of salt loaded on his back had become lighter.

There was nothing the....... Read More

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