The story of Adventure

 1 ) Horror jungle : 

Once in a forest, there was a person named Ali. He was scared because some ghosts lived in an old mansion within the jungle. at some point, the ghosts were searching the Gatekeeper of Tavers. The Gatekeeper of Tavers was princess Maya. She was very powerful and brave.

The policemen Troy, Noah, Jake, Gia, Emma, Orion, Roy, and Jagles wanted to save lots of the world. Raka, the minister of the ghost, wanted to collapse the world. Raka was a ghost that was sort of a devil. He had an excellent power named ‘Reflection Snatcher’. He attacked hotels, restaurants, police stations, schools, large buildings, etc. The reflection of the policemen snatched and that they became a statue.

Ali visited Den Tavers to require the special powers called pinex and snake.

Orion’s enemy, Warak came back to the town and said loudly, “I am back to the world and now i will be able to destroy the earth.” Ali tried to attack Warak but Warak understood what trick Ali will apply to him. Thus, he started flying within the air, and shortly he landed on a building. Then, he attacked the nearby building. Ali flicked up the magical stick that he had and thanks to it, Warak lost all of his powers.

Warak flew back to space during which King Margo’s powers were to require power because he lost all of his powers due to Ali. Margo was the daddy of two brothers Warak-de-Caribel and Warak. Warak-de-Caribel and his clever brother, Warak came ahead of Margo. Warak came ahead of Margo and said, “Sorry, i used to do not survive their powers as they were too powerful.” “How can it's possible? We are more powerful than the humans.” Margo shouted.

Ali came to the ghost mansion by chasing Warak and locked the most door when Warak went inside. Margo had an emergency to urge out of the town. He tried to open the door and he found it locked. He took the laser gun and cut one half the door. After this, he went out of the town to free his boss, Master Longinol.

Master Longinol was imprisoned for 100 years. At that time of your time [according to the story time], he is going to be free and can begin the prison for a month. during a month, Warak,

Warak-de-Caribel and Margo made their robot soldier army consisting of many robots.

The month was passed and therefore the time to free Master Longinol came. Margo and his two sons visited free Master Longinol and his soldiers that were imprisoned within the prison which was located within the abyss. The prison was the house of powerful ghosts and monsters. After Master Longinol was free, he died on a primary night. Margo and his sons were sad because Master Longinol died and no powerful ghost or monster but only Neen was there. They don’t know when Neen is going to be free. due to this incident, they were all sad.

Neen was the primary powerful monster within the world.

In the prison, there was an old glass. All the ghosts and monsters believed that there's Neen inside that tumbler. They want to pray that tumbler and send the request to Neen in order that they can come outside the prison. Every day, Neen comes to the prison and chooses a ghost or a monster to fight against their enemies. One day, Neen came into the prison and chose Lingo to fight against their enemy, Ali, and therefore the gatekeeper Maya. The next day, Warak-de-Caribel fought against Ali and Lingo fought against Maya. While fighting against Maya, Lingo lost all powers that Neen had given him. That was an honest thing because Lingo has got to work for negativity. Lingo has got to use his powers for negativity as he was forced by Neen. Lingo became normal Warak-de-Caribel attacked on Ali. Ali jumped and hit hard together with his hand on

Warak-de-Caribel’s head as he gave up.

Nogestina, the woman who made these all powers, came to the town where these wars were happening. She saw that negativity is fighting with positivity. So, she went where Raka was laughing at statues and attacked him. Raka doesn’t know that Nogestina attacked. Nogestina attacked his neck and eventually, Raka died. After Raka died, all policemen became normal.

A day came that the glass of Neen blasted and Neen came out of it. He visited all the prisons and unlocked all the ghosts and therefore the monsters. Then, he went out of the Abyss and began attacking here and there. Nogestina saw Neen attacking and said, “You came out of the glass but not within the world of ghosts and monsters. You came in the wrong way.”

 the monster magician came there. He laughed and said,” You powerless woman came here not reign but to die.” Nogestina became very angry as she flicked her magic wand and Imperex died. Warak saw his brother and Imperex died and began his drill machine that mines the world. He laughed so loudly and said,” Ali, Maya, and Nogestina, you can’t stop my drill machine until you destroy it but i will be able to not let it destroy it. you've got no choice. you've got to die now.” due to the drill machine, the North Way Clock started moving anti-clock-wise and it is often so harmful to the world if it rotates anti-clockwise and it happened. to prevent the North Way Clock, they need to destroy the drill machine and to destroy the drill machine, they need to kill Warak.

Loudrezlord, the master of all the mutants [Ali, Maya, and Nogestina] visited Warak and fought bravely with him. He defeated Warak and destroyed the drill machine because the North Way Clock started moving clock-wise.

Loudrezlord visited the town where war was happening. He went there with Ali, Maya, and Lingo to fight with them. all of them attacked silently at the rear of the military group and killed all of them. Neen saw them and attacked them. They defended themselves and killed Neen.

That was the top of the monsters and ghosts who used their powers for negativity. Now the earth was safe.

2) The Black women : 

In midst of the hustle and bustle of thousands of individuals coming and going towards the metro depot, i attempted to locate her. As per the conversation I had together with her she said that she would be wearing a black net dress with a red stole. I rechecked the time on my watch and it had been the fifth time I had done that since I received the metro station two hours ago. As more and more people swept by i made a decision to seek out a quiet place to take a seat quietly a few times. I strolled towards the exit gate and sat on the steps.

Now let me briefly introduce myself. i'm Sanvi though it sounds a weird name for a woman like me. The meaning of my name is Goddess Lakshmi however I'm from a poor family. My family resides in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh and that I have a younger brother and two elder sisters. My father may be a farmer and works hard to form both ends meet. I wanted to review and attend school but hardly had the funds to support myself. However, maybe i used to be lucky at one point in time an NGO came to our village and supported us for our education. I completed my twelfth class last year and came to Delhi in search of employment.

However it had been not a simple task to urge employment easily, every day was a struggle within the city. at some point a piece of writing caught my attention “ Young girls required for a professional job. Salary is negotiable just in case you're selected “ I saw a telephone number mentioned and called at this number. a woman answered she was high-pitched but answered politely. She said that i want to accomplish a task and if I'm ready to meet the target then i will be able to be paid a handsome salary. However only thing is I'm not alleged to ask her any questions on the task. At that time of your timei used to be jobless and agreed. She selected a weird destination for the meeting – the metro station. As I reflected i noticed it might be anything ranging from kidnapping murder or any criminality.

awakened from my thoughts as someone tapped my back. it had been a lady in a black net dress with a red stole. She was a middle-aged woman but had class and taste. Strong Italian perfume shrouded her as she asked ‘ are you sanvi ‘ before I could reply she seized my hand and led me through the exit gate. A black car with a chauffeur was awaiting – she almost dragged me inside the car. The car began to its unknown destination.

The car traveled through unknown roads, huge buildings crowded streets, and that i dozed off sometimesi used to be hungry and thirsty at an equivalent time and smiled at her when she handed me a bottle of water. However, she looked cold and remote a matter-of-fact businessman kind of attitude. At last, the car scratched to a halt near an ancient building. The door opened and an old man-servant opened the gate of the car. the woman went inside the house amid me. On just one occasion it had been a splendid house but with time it had lost its glamour.

I sat on the sofa and she or he sat opposite me. She gazed at me from head to toe as if studying if I could accomplish the task. a weird thought passed my mind if she was dragging me to prostitution – I shivered at the thought. Finally, she spoke,” i do know you would like employment desperately hope you recognize housekeeping and cooking. you would like to figure at a homestay in Himachal Pradesh. The owner of the homestay may be a man named Niraj. He is the manager also – he has some helpers. Two to 3 families come to remain there every season. you'll receive a salary of 12,000 alongside food and accommodation. However, the rationale why I hired you is extremely different. there's a selected family that involves spending their vacation every season from Delhi. Mr Mirza and his family – his family consists of his wife who may be a lady of sophistication and dignity. Mr Mirza is an attorney and well versed within the field of law. the rationale why i'm sending you there's to stay an eye fixed on Mr Mirza what he does where he goes and with whom he spends his time. I will be able to provide you a smartphone and you'll capture photographs which you think is vitalyou'll be paid extra for this – let me tell you just in case you are feeling that I even have not warned you- the person is dangerous “ The last sentence rang into my ears yet I agreed. i wanted I had quit then and gone back home but the salary was an excessive amount on behalf of me to resist.

Things went so fast I hardly understood when my bags were packed and loaded on a car. the driving force sat next to me and therefore the trip started. The hustle and bustle of city life gradually subsided to hills and valleys. the driving force was strictly professional – he didn't speak one word within the entire trip as if he was instructed to try to do so. I dozed off because the car headed on towards Solan a neighborhood in Himachal.

The driver tapped on the glass window the subsequent morning and informed me that I had reached my destination. it had been a gorgeous hotel with a gorgeous hillside view. The homestay was written in bold letters near the doorway of the hotel. I took my luggage and headed towards the reception. a really young lad of around 20 years approached me with a smile and introduced himself as Niraj the owner of the hotel. I used to be expecting an aged person however smiled back and acknowledged the greeting. He guided me towards the guest room and told me to shower then come for breakfast. I locked the door the space was lovely it had been an enormous room for a woman like me – I opened the curtains and therefore the beautiful hills and valleys greeted me. it had been indeed a gorgeous place and zip bad could happen in such an area – God's grace is there.

After freshening up I decreased for breakfast, Mr. Niraj was already expecting me at the table. He discussed with me my job – i want to attend to the guests show them their room, attend to their basic needs and make their stay comfortable. i might be hospitable making any changes to the arrangement. i used to be proud of the work and secretly thought that if the lady in black had not assigned me the task to stay track on Mr.Mirza things would are more interesting. I smiled back at Mr Niraj and guaranteed him that i might try my best to satisfy his expectations and do justice to the work. Mr Niraj said that I can take a rest today and resume my duties from tomorrow. He also handed me a phone and said that I could use it as long and that i continue my job here. I thanked him and went back to the guest room.

In the afternoon I strolled around the homestay. There was a single-family within the hotel- Mr and Mrs Kumar with their five-year-old daughter Rita. They were a pleasing couple and greeted me as they meet me within the garden. Besides me, there was the gardener Mohan, the cook Megha and therefore the waiter Bulbul. The season was approaching and snowfall will start within a month and already there was booking for the 2 other rooms. I opened the register and saw Mr Mirza had booked one among the rooms. the opposite room was booked by a woman named Sa. because the evening faded and therefore the sunset beside the hills, I turned to travel back to my room. I saw someone peeping at me through the curtain. As I came near the doorway mrNiraj meet me. His smile was friendly as was common . “let's have a cup of coffee if you're not in a hurry” I accompanied him to the wooden chair below the umbrella. it had been beautiful to seem at the view from there. Mr Niraj informed me that his father had found a sequence of hotels in Himachal Pradesh and he takes care of the opposite hotels. Niraj had been given the responsibility to require care of this hotel since January and he's trying his best to try to do his job well. I replied,” don't worry you're doing an exquisite job….things are very organized, and that i am sure the guests would like to spend few quiet evenings here. He asked about my life in Delhi and that i gave him a couple of details excluding the mention of the Woman in Black. Before he could ask further questions I excused myself and went back to my room

The next morning I awakened with the phone ringing. it had been the lady in black. I told her whatever I knew and she or he told me to stay an in-depth eye on Mr.Mirza if he went out. I did accordingly. I started the day being at the reception as was common. I saw Chyna the gorgeous lady who arrived that day before Mr mirza arrived. She smiled as she walked past the reception. Then arrived Mr. Mirza after some time wearing a chic suit. He winked at me and gone by. After a while I followed. Shyana walked through a narrow trail past the hills – the road resulting in a little lake. Mr. Mirza followed. I walked behind a brief distance. is that this the lady Mr. Mirza was secretly dating,

Both finally stopped near the lake. I stood behind a tree and watched. She took out a packet from her purse and handed it over to Mr. Mirza. He took it quickly and hid it in his coat pocket. Without saying another word, he walked away towards the hotel. I followed Mr. Mirza to his room just to see the contents of the packet. I knocked on his room after jiffy and informed him that I had come to wash the space. Mrs. Mirza was nowhere to be seen. once I saw an appropriate moment I opened the packet. There was a powdery substance inside it probably drugs and it had been written on a little piece of paper “ 10th of this month let's catch on done. near the lake at 5 pm. “

I went back to y room and wondered what I should do. I had to call the lady in black without further delay. I called her and informed her about the envelope and therefore the plan which will be executed on10th of this month. the woman in black told me that she is going to be there in Shimla by the 10th and together we'll attend the place. i used to be much relieved

subsequent few days I followed Mr. Mirza but he didn't speak to Shyana and pretended as if he didn't know her. Finally, the lady in Black arrived on the 9th as promised. within the evening she called me to her room. I saw Mr. Niraj also sitting there. They greeted me as I entered. the lady in Black finally revealed the reality. She was a detective performing on the strange case of Mr.Mirza. Mrs. Mirza had hired her as she felt her life wasn't safe as she had an enormous property and if she died Mr. Mirza would inherit the whole property. Things now got crystal clear therefore the woman in Black hired me to stay a tab on Mr. Mirza.

The next evening MrNiraj, a policeman me and therefore the woman in Black hid near the lake around 5 pm. After a while we see Mr. and Mrs. mirza walking towards the lake. As they almost reached the lake Mr. Mirza suddenly took out a gun. Before he could do anything we came out of our hiding places The policeman arrested Mr. Mirza while we took Mrs. Mirza safely to the hotel. Shayna had already verified and doubtless, she planned to satisfy Mr. Mirza on the way. The policeman nabbed her and both she and Mr. Mirza were taken to the police headquarters. It also came out that they supplied drugs and ran a business in Delhi.

The woman in Black paid me handsomely and congratulated me that I had helped her in solving the case. Then she asked me if i might like better to continue working here or work on a replacement case together with her in Delhi. i assumed a few times and told her that I might like better to work wisely and help her solve the cases in days to return. So I finally got a reputed job and residential. I bade goodbye to Mr. Niraj and will see the gleam of sadness in his eyes as I left for Delhi within the car. I viewed the setting sun because the Homestay moved further and further faraway from my sight because the car moved away 

3) Treasure Hunt: 

Kohinoor " the word itself causes you to consider precious jewels like a diamond. Yes! i'm speaking about diamonds, which all lives run.

Our ancient books are crammed with scripts, which discuss hidden treasures and explores keep it up digging archeological sights in search of those precious treasures. Treasures that will change one's life, a destitute to a multi-crore gent.

A chest is filled with gold and diamonds, a dream of each soul. game a tale that each book worm has run to read and undergo but we have actually have practiced it in the real world.
Me to a bookworm, swollen dark eyes, buried in words had tried her hands-on game. One may laugh and say a child's play. But searching for an unseen delight is like looking for rays of sunshine after a dark night trail.

this is often a story of my pre-teens, I was neither a toddler nor a woman of dreams. A tomboy who wont to frolic in jeans. As in those times, it seemed taboo for women to decorate like sex of other streams.

Winter holidays appeared like a paradise of utmost adventure as we ( me, my brother, and 4 cousins) always traveled to Amritsar to our grandparent's house. Lush green fields, clear blue as our train whistled within the land of 5 rivers, and there our journey of escapades roots up.

it had been a fine sunny morning in December 1992, I had just stepped in my pre-teens. My grandfather called out for us, come all you, let's have some fun. Me, my younger brother Rahul. My cousins Ritika di ,Amit bhai ,Rakhi ,and Priyanka .All folks circled around my grandfather, who said allow us to choose the game .

We all exclaimed in excitement, "What! a game,"
"Wow, it might be such a lot of fun ".

Our dad told us that this Haveli has hidden tons of secrets in its heart and today he would unfold one secret to us. He took us to the attic which was gloomy and dark. the space was filled will old picture s of independence time, some in embedded in gold frames and a few in rustic condition. space was crammed with an old chest, some lamps, and a few old withered stuff.

Our dadu opened a chest and took out an old scroll of parchment, tied with a sting. The parchment was light yellow in color, and it looked rustic. Dadu opened the roll carefully and kept it on the table. it had been a map of dadu's Haveli and there was another scroll attached thereto. When dadu opened the scroll, it had ancient inscriptions depicted thereon, which was a touch difficult for us to know. But from the inscriptions, we all could know it was map, which would lead us to unknown glee.

A shiver ran through our spine once we looked over the country map with a smile, a smile which was mixed excitedly and fear, and whether we might be ready to understand the map and would be able to unveil the secrets of the map.

within the peak of shivering cold, we were sweating as we hold the scroll. Amit Bhai told, " let him be the top of the mission unknown."

All folks gathered around dadu, and sat on the bottom. Dadu with the assistance of a stick pointed that it had been the Haveli's ground, but the land had been drugged repeatedly, so it had been clear that the treasure wasn't there.

"Treasures ", we all exclaimed, Amit Bhai said "but dadaji it's not written you anywhere the treasure would be over here, as the other parchment depicts something else. Dadu's eyes rolled on the opposite paper. Dadu said Amit "why does one think so ?" Then both Amit and Rahul said ,"as the image within the inscriptions shows something else, as you see this is often dummy, which is seeing up within the sky, but pointing down and this is often the rationale why you, all for therefore a few years searched the bottom. But now we'll search the highest rooms of the Haveli.

Then Ritika di stood up and said " treasure is on the side and not on the east, as within the mirror, we see everything topsy turvy, which means right is left and left is true therefore the treasure is somewhere up within the Haveli and it's on the side because the dummy is pointing within the east. Dadu was surprised as how all
of us were jarring, the secrets of the scroll which nobody could ever open. Then a halt came when Rakhi di saw the portray of a woman within the attic and asked Dadu,"Who is that this lady within the picture? "

Dadaji said "This is that the picture of the Maharani of Chatiwind and this picture is clicked in one among our Haveli which is up to their." Rakhi said "then the treasure isn't during this Haveli it's in Chatiwind's Haveli, as you'll see during this picture there's a chest behind the Maharani and it's an equivalent dummy painted over it.

Then Dadu said, "Hmm...let's attend Chatiwind tomorrow morning."We were all excited to listen to Dadaji's decision and that we told dadiji to pack our picnic bags. "There was an excitement within the air. Our driver, Bayant Singh ji was asked to return alongside us.

Early next morning red contessa was standing glittering in our driveway. Dadu , Dadi , Bryant uncle and 6 folks drove towards Chatiwind. After a drive of half an hour, we reached the village, which was a touch less developed than Amritsar. But an enormous Haveli was standing to welcome us. The watchman of the Haveli saluted and greeted us. His name was Vikas Kumar.

Vikas bhaiya was the caretaker and therefore the watchman of the Haveli. He took us to our rooms and said that the lunch had been prepared by his wife Vishakha, so we will shower and are available within the dining hall for lunch. We all thought that we should always question Vikas Kumar and his wife about the Haveli. So at the lunch table, we questioned him , Vikas bhaiya for "how a few years you had been living here."

Vikas answered" for the last forty years, I came here at the age of 20 and then I even have been living under the guidance of dadaji.
Then Amit bhaiya questioned him " does one clean all the rooms of the Haveli daily ." Vikas hesitantly said "No baba, Haveli has about fifty rooms, and that we even don't key of all the rooms.So a number of the rooms are closed from decades.

Then we all went and question dadu and dadiji ,to hand over the keys of the remainder of the rooms of Haveli. Dadaji answered "I need to search the keys within the attic of the Haveli, as i think my father, your great grandparent has kept it up there. " Then we all visited the attic, with torches because it was within the basement of the Haveli.

The staircase which results in the basement was dark and gloomy. We were all holding one another hands,the place was crammed with dust and cobwebs and dadaji started scolding Vikas bhaiya "I believe you haven't cleaned this place for years ."

As we reached the top of the basement, Dadaji took the key of the attic from his pocket and tried to open the door. It took tons of effort to open the lock because it has been not opened for many years.

because the door opened with a cracking sound, a sense of fear wrapped us all. We all stood on the brink of one another. As Dadaji led us within the attic, he said "we all need to look for the keys as I myself can't remember where I even have kept." So we were on our way for an additional adventure.

Hunt for the keys started. Torches flashed on walls as there was no electricity connection. Chest after chest were getting opened. Some torn rig-outs, some artifacts started beginning of the chest. Some paintings, covered with dust, some jewels which dadaji had never been conscious of within the end, we all got tired and sat on the groundbecause the keys of the remainder of the rooms couldn't be explored.

We altogether Dadiji that he must not have kept the keys like this within the attic. But Dadaji exclaimed, "that my memory remains sharp and I remember alright that I even have kept the keys within the wooden cupboard of the attic ."

As he said these lines we all stared at one another and ran towards the wooden cupboard that was standing, sort of a king at the corner of the attic. Dadaji said that he was sorry as he has forgotten, and wasted our time. But we all said that we had enjoyed every second over here. As we came out of the attic, we had a bag crammed with questions, which we were all waiting to ask Dadaji.

After getting refreshed, at the dining table I asked Dadaji "for numerous years why didn't you told us about this Haveli. " Dadaji said, "there are many, this is often among one among them, and you all are really small to talk about this stuff ." Then I again raised an issue "But we are still small. " Dadaji raised his eyebrows and said, "well,I thought that this is often a gorgeous time, and you all have grown up now to share my memories and show you all that I even have ."

Then Dadiji said let's finish with the dinner and explore the Haveli. So our late-night expedition to seem over our huge Haveli started.

Fifty rooms, a map and us and our search for the treasure. Haveli had three floors and that we were interested to explore the side. First, we opened the primary floor of the Haveli. it had been difficult to open these rooms, as that they had been locked for hundreds of years and were adorned with dust. As Dadaji opened the rooms one by one, we saw each room really big and had four-poster carved beds, an enormous mirror and an article table, two chairs, and an enormous trunk ahead of those beds. After opening all the rooms, Dadaji said we should always sleep now and explore the rooms within the morning.

At the break of dawn, we all stood awake and yawned, as in excitement we couldn't sleep for an hour. In our night lounge, without waking Dadu and Dadi we thought of exploring the historic rooms. But we were amazed that both Dadaji and Dadiji were standing ahead of the room's gate. They said they couldn't sleep, within the dark hours thanks to extreme excitement, was running in their mind.

As we explore one room at a time, we couldn't find anything, but some value-added advice, some stories of auld langsyne. After our brunch, we asked dadaji and Dadi Ji to relax and adjourn the hunt. As we knew they were tired. While they were sleeping, we thought to seem over the map.

When Ritika di bought the map, we opened it and tried to unravel the mystery, as till then we've not been ready to find the clue
At that point little Priyanka yelled see there's a sun and moon drawn within the map and therefore the dummy is pointing up. Then Rahul said,"How come we missed it. It seems that the mystery is solved."

All folks said, "How come ?". Rahul said, " see when both sun and therefore the moon are within the sky, it means either during dawn or within the evening, neither up within the sky nor under the world , it means the second floor ". Their Rakhi said" See something is drawn on the map of the Haveli. "There we saw that the Haveli's second floor had more windows the remainder of it, and one among the windows was sketched in red color.

We all shouted together this is often the place where the treasure is hidden.

because the sun was close to set, we all jumped out of our nest and ran to the second floor of the Haveli. But something clicked in my mind that the rooms weren't open on that floor. As all had run upstairs to the second floor,I crept into my grandparent's room and took hold of the keys which were lingering beside dadiji's side table. , and that I ran towards the steps.

As I stepped on the second floor my heart was bumping in my mouth, as I handed the keys to Amit Bhai. He patted my shoulders and said "Good job."

Their our hunt began to its brim. As we tried to open the doors of the ten rooms on the ground. Lack of your timebecause the sun was close to set any time.

One by one the doors were opened with great force than once we opened the fifth room we saw its window frames were red in color. I exclaimed within the excitement that this was the space.
In excitement, I opened all the windows of the space all asked me what exactly I used to be doing. I said quickly " see when both sun and moon are going to be together within the sky, at that point their rays together will illuminate the treasure. "

As I ended speaking, at that moment remainder of them laughed at me mocking me " why a tube light is using her brain like lightning within the sky. " But at that very moment, space got brightened up by the celestial rays and began sparking that we had to shut our eyes.

But somewhere in my brain, an issue raised what was making the space so shine? So I ran out of the space, from where I can see clearly. From there I saw that the Ray's were falling on the bed's back where something was shining. Soon the celestial rays died off.

Everyone was bewildered by the rays, that how could space had brightened up, as if the sun was within the room. But I had answers to all or any of the questions, I went on the brink of the bed's back and checked it out clearly. There I got answers to all or any questions.

I said to all or any to attend and that I visited call my grandparents. once they came, everyone asked me what happened. Then I said, "I have gotten the treasure, which is why I visited call dadaji and dadaji. "

Dadaji said "How? Where is it! "
I said to all or any "It's during this room."
All of them said, "Where we cannot see."

I went near the bedstead and acknowledged the dummy and said, this is often the dummy whose picture was drawn on the map and therefore the celestial rays touched the dummy and lighted the space because it has this diamond embedded in its hand.

Their all were amazed at how I solved the mystery.
Dadaji took hold of a knife and pulled out the diamond from the dummy's hand.

Our hunt was over and now it had been time to travel back to Amritsar, with a worth that was estimated quite, we could have thought for. 

4) Roni's Adventurous: 

Roni was 11 years old. He was a brave and cute boy. He had a touch sister named Pinky. She was 9 years old. They both visited an equivalent school.

One day their principal announced that they were happening a visit to safari land. Roni and Pinky were very excited but they were scared as their parents would deny that. They requested their parents in the dark
. They agreed to them. They were very happy they paid the fees.

The night before the trip they both couldn't sleep as they were excited about it. The subsequent day they received school at 9 am and waited for the opposite children to return. The teacher counted them and that they were 15 altogether. then, they began the journey. After the journey of 12hrs, they reached the safari land.

All the youngsters jumped out of the bus in excitement. They saw an enormous gate which was decorated with flowers and lightings. They entered through the gate. They got an area and asked to be ready in 5 minutes and reach that place for dinner. After dinner, they went into their rooms and slept.

All the youngsters waked up within the morning and got ready for breakfast then they went on a trek to a hill that was near that site. They were divided into groups of 4. In Roni's group, there have been Pinky, Harry and Riya. Harry was Roni's ally and his Riya was the simplest friend of Pinky.

Soon they started tracking Roni's group was last. All the youngsters walked fast and shortly left them now they weren't seen anywhere. Roni's group was scared and walked slowly in one direction. Now they came near a deep hole and a little light was coming from the opening.

They decided to see what was there. They jumped inside the opening. They were falling down and down, it had been very deep. Soon they fell on a bush. They were safe. They stood up and looked around. they might not believe their eyes were in Dreamland.

There were beautiful fountains, bushy trees, little fairies, and flowers everywhere. The land was beautiful. all of them decided to seem round the land and asked for fairies for the map. the type fairies gave them a map alongside some unicorns to ride. Riya and Pinky were amazed as that they had heard about them but never saw them.

They rode them and came near a volcanic mountain where two fairies were sitting outside as if expecting someone. They asked them what was the matter they told that a dragon had kidnapped their princess.
The fairies requested them to rescue her. The team excepted their requests and fight against the dragon the unicorn
Entered its horn into the dragon and killed it. They brought out the queen. She thanked them and sent them back to their original world.

They again started tracking further. They found another hole. On a board there was a written animal world they checked out one another and began laughing and again thought to leap into it. As soon as they jumped a voice came "Roni awakenit is time for breakfast " it had been the voice of Sam, Roni's roommate.

So what was it??
It was his dream.

He awakened and got ready and came for breakfast and told the story to his friends.
They enjoyed it.


Where are you going? The title is incomplete

It should be Roni's Adventurous Dream... 

5) A Curious Death

It was a night of summer, Ronny was sitting on his couch and watching the news on Television. The news was associated with social issues and political problems. Ronny was seriously watching and analyzing the news topic because it was very sensitive and is an emerging problem in today's world. the difficulty is of the recent RAPE CASE.

He was getting angry on the steps of the govt and court as they were treating Jaype (rapist) sort of folk. While Ronny was thinking that these sorts of people aren’t humans anymore after committing such a significant crime. He doesn’t deserve any human rights. The subsequent day Ronny was in his college discussing an equivalent topic with their friends and his anger was on the hike towards the non-fruitful protocols and procedure of the court and government.

According to him the criminal within the case of rape shouldn't get any chance to save lots of himself in any way from the punishment. On the opposite hand, the court had given another chance to save lots of themselves from the punishment declared by the court.

Ronny was a student but he sees this world differently as consistent with him “delayed justice with late realization isn't a fruitful and justified justice anymore!”

“Justice is that which is given to the victim on time with none late realization. the matter lately realization is that the worst and pathetic step of the court and government as by until late realization of the justice panel the victim's life become the worst and destroyed “

Ronny was expecting the death punishment for the foremost dangerous criminal of the millennium that's a rapist. But on the hearing of the criminal within the court, the death sentence of the criminal was postponed because the defense attorney said that his client wasn't present at the crime scene during the time of the crime. and provides some more excuses about human rights and everyone. For this court asked to supply the network reports from the network provider company on the subsequent hearing date of this case.
Due to this, Ronny felt sorrow for the victim and he was getting hyper with the passage of the time for the choice of the court. Then he decided to try to do something by going out of the way of procedures and protocols. Somehow he got Twitter to handle the id of the defense attorney and there he posted a life-threatening message for the defense attorney and his client (criminal of the rape case i.e. Jaypee). But all the threat was ignored by the lawyer.

On the subsequent hearing date of the case, the defense attorney was asked to present the network report of the suspect, which network report was showing that he was at his house during the time of the crime. And thus the court released the suspect and asked the police to reinvestigate the case again!

Ronny was shocked after hearing the choice of the court so he decided to try to do some investigation on his own about the case.
To start the investigation he somehow manages to satisfy the victim’s lawyer after following him for the last 7 days. From there he gathered some basic details of the case then he proceeded on his own to unravel the case.

That night he managed to succeed in the house of the defense attorney with some sharp weapon and there he caught the son of that defense attorney and asked about case details and every one information about the first suspect of the case who was released by the court at the last hearing. The lawyer's words were hard to believe as he said “ they showed a fake network report back to the court, by erasing the first report from the crime scene and modified in such how which showed the presence of the criminal at his house only at the time of the crime. The lawyer revealed another fact about the case that one among the relatives of the suspect may be a well-reputed businessman named Arif sheik, who influenced this case very smartly and perfectly.
He gave $10million to the network provider company to switch the network reports and therefore the company prepared a fake report of Jaypee.
Ronny was shocked and located a devastating fact about crime and corruption.

All the facts worked just like the fire within the oil.

For the last 3-4 days Ronny was worried and busy doing suspicious activities.
The next day Ronny abducted the CEO of network provider company: Arif sheik. And spread a message via social media to reopen the file of the suspect Jaype to offer true justice to the rape victim Eliza.
Arif sheik said to Ronny “please accept 2 million dollars and leave me”.
Ronny:- why should I leave you?
Corrupt people such as you had made this country’s condition worse! You people are more dangerous than viruses and harmful radioactivities.

Ronny then picked an iron rod and hit on the shoulder of the Arif sheik with a deadly impact, thanks to which a bone of Arif’s shoulder broke and he began to scream badly. Ronny forcefully recorded the statement of the Arif with a camera. In his statement, Arif said “the businessmen Nirav Joshi gave him 10 million dollars to make a fake report of Jaypee. And said that Jaypee is that the real suspect within the case who raped Eliza!

After this Ronny was following the suspect Jaypee and Nirav Joshi with great precaution and determination but unfortunately Ronny died during a road accident!

It was really unfortunate that the one that was fighting for reality had died before revealing the reality before the law and therefore the people of this country. He died for the social cause and for the victim with whom he has no blood relative but he tried his best to seek out the reality about the case and he was almost at the sting to reveal everything soon, before that he died.

After 2 week of Ronny’s death, some dead bodies were found around the nearest railroad station at the railway track!
The dead bodies were of the businessman Nirav Joshi, CEO Arif sheik, defense attorney I.K Gadgil, and another body was found that was Jaype’s, which was badly chopped.

All these dead bodies were strange to found together for the police they were in shock that does they were murdered or they committed suicide! This was the most important mystery for the police to unravel and was strange too!

6) The Legendary Dragon:

The dragons were known to the planet, but as all knew, it had been a legend. The story of the legendary dragon was known to all or any. a little boy lived and he was a traditional person, but there was something special inside him. He would never tell one soul about it, his passion for dragons.

His village was located in China, the place his ancestors started, and later, finished their very life. He knew the story of the legendary dragon. a day he would sneak into the treehouse. He made himself within the woods and began learning about the dragons. He usually considered his favorite one, the dragon of fireside.

The dragon of the fireside side was the protector of the emerald of fire and was one among the mightiest dragons known. He had won all the battles and was pleased with himself, but it had been only a legend. The very thought of the dragons being a legend saddened the boy, also to be named Fire.

Once he found a bit of scrolled paper in his secret treehouse. Before touching it he thought ‘ hmm, nobody knows about this treehouse of mine, so who must have put it here’. His mind went blank. Suddenly he saw the scroll shimmer with a golden light. it had been glowing such a lot that the fireplace couldn’t see the sun. Suddenly, he understood everything. His passion for dragons had made this scroll inherit his treehouse. He picked it up and before he could even leap out, the treehouse glowed and blocked his sight. He closed his eyes but nothing happened.

Fire tried to open his eyes, but the sun blinded him. during a moment, he was wearing his sunglasses that he always kept in his treehouse, but that also didn’t stop the sun from blinding his eyes. To his surprise, his glasses melted before he could even take them off! Suddenly he could see nearly as good as he could see before. He also acknowledged that the treehouse was burning. Before the hearth could come up to his body, he quickly took useful things( including the scroll), put them in his bag, and jumped out of the treehouse within the nick of your time.

Suddenly he felt hot as if he was within the middle of the Sahara. After he looked around he found that the land which he was now on was crammed with dragons of all kinds, to his surprise, the dragons weren't annoyed with the blazing sun. Some dragons were surprised by seeing him. Many of them started running around the hills and playing. Now it came into my mind the dragons weren't a legend but we're real and hidden somewhere far away from the places where people lived.

Moments later the bottom beneath him opened then he fell into an underground cave. it had been dark and spooky. That reminded him of his matches that he kept in his treehouse. He took the matches out of his bag and tried to lighten them because it was very cold within the cave, it wouldn’t lighten. When he searched he saw the place where he had fallen from wasn't closed which gave him a thought. He took his magnifying glasses out of his bag and held them to the sun shines on them. He held the matches underneath the magnifying glasses and waited after a short time the match stick lightened up. Now he could see a part of the cave, suddenly he heard someone whisper something to a different person.

He started walking towards the sound he heard. Moments later the sun shines into the cave and lightened the cave, now he could see there have been two people, explorers, from his time they also had come here. They saw him and told him about the dragons, it seems that they were in a mess. They found a map of the dragon treasure but they never found the treasure. It says that we'll find the treasure within the castle of the dragon of fireside, but they never found it because it is hidden during a certain place and that they don’t have the scroll that tells the solution. Suddenly fire eyes lightened up, he takes the scroll that he had found within the treehouse out of his bag and shows it to them. Together they are going to the castle of the dragon of fireside.

Soon they find the space where the treasure was hidden, once they opened the door of the space an excellent light blinds their eyes. once they could see better they might see with their very own eyes the emerald of fireside. Now they need to urge back to their time, at that moment fire suddenly found himself with two other explorers in his treehouse, they were back in their village. once they told the invention to the village people, they celebrated the invention with the grand feast, and as you recognize, that was the story of the dragon.

7) The Boy in the Paper Boat:     

Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Jack. Now, little Jack was very keen on boats. His favorite pass time had become folding papers into boats. Jack could fold any quiet paper into boats. Any quiet paper, Jack could fold it into pretty boats. Be it newspapers, magazine paper, wrapping papers. And even paper towels!

One day, Jack made the foremost beautiful boat he had ever made. The paper he used, had a shiny texture. there have been words written everywhere it. And had many, many pictures everywhere it. He folded the paper into the foremost magnificent boat. The sail of the boat, was truly the most important and therefore the tallest of all Jack had seen on a paper boat. Upon being through with it, little Jack put the paper boat on the table next to his bed and visited sleep.

As Jack slept, he awakened within the middle of the night. Strange noises filled Jack’s ears. All of them were coming from the small paper boat. Soon, the paper boat had a paper crew and a captain with a blue hat. Jack could hear the captain scream orders. “Let lose the strict lights.” Then the captain yelled again, “Sailors, prepare to sail.”

Little Jack shot out of his bed and said, “Hey where are you going with my boat?” “Then climb aboard,” the captain told the boy. And then, Jack realized that his room had become an ocean and his boat was close to set sail. After Jack stepped into the boat, the paper boat swiftly slid on the water and slid across the bedroom.

Soon, the paper boat had found its way onto the most road, just across the supermarket. because the paper boat sailed, Jack saw the planet whizz by. even as Jack was watching the planet pass, he asked the captain that “Do you think that we could sink after the boat becomes soggy?” To which the captain smiled. Then he said, “Oh no, my boy. This boat is formed out of the toughest material for the paper boats!”

“Okay,” replied Jack. Again he had an issue. “But where are we going?” asked Jack. “We are getting to catch the pirates, little boy,” replied the captain. “There are pirates, within the parking zone of the shopping mall!” because the paper boat neared the parking zone, Jack could hear a roaring sound. He became scared. Up ahead Jack saw the mouth of a drain.

As the boat neared, the boat got sucked in and sailed down a pipe, and went straight to the parking zone of the shopping mall! The parking zone had become a huge sea. “Pirates! they're here! The Pirates!” yelled the sailors on the boat.

When Jack turned he saw the deadliest-looking boat approach. an enormous boat with big yellow sails. Jack could see the paper pirates swinging their swords. A fierce battle happened. Alongside the sailors, Jack fought bravely! sort of a true hero Jack fought. And when the pirate boat sunk with many holes, the sailors and Jack yelled “Hooray, we won!”

Soon after, Jack and therefore the paper boat went back to Jack’s bedroom. There Jack wished the sailors a touch of excellent luck and visited sleep. Unfortunately, Jack never met the paper boat’s captain and sailors again. Although, he kept the boat by his bed each night thereafter. beat the hopes, that someday, he might wake within the night and have another adventure.

8) Treasure Island:

 Long ago, there lived a sensible young lad named Jim Hawkins whose parents owned the Admiral Benbow Inn beside the ocean. One day, a sailor named Billy Bones came to remain in their Inn. He was tall, huge, and had an enormous scar across one among his cheeks, he resembled a pirate. He spoke in a loud and harsh voice and carried an important iron chest with him. Young Jim was curious to understand what was inside that chest.

All-day long, Billy kept watching the ships through the window of the Inn. nightly he would get drunk and begin a quarrel with other customers. nobody dared ask him because he was with great care mean and nasty and he would beat them if anyone came near his table. Young Jim was impressed with Billy’s strength. Billy told of his adventures at the ocean and warned Jim about the one-legged man. Jim and his parents were unhappy because Billy never paid his bills.

One evening, a mysterious blind person named Pew came to the Inn and asked for Billy Bones. He gave Billy a bit of paper and thereon paper was one black dot right at the middle of it. One glance at the paper and Billy was on the ground . He had dropped dead! Jim hurried to ascertain what had happened but it had been too late.

Jim and his mother found the chest under Billy’s bed. They opened it and to their surprise, they found bags and bags of gold coins. They decided to use the gold for the bills which Billy had not paid. and that they also found a weird roll of paper.

Suddenly, they heard gunshots outside. Three policemen were standing nearby and had also heard the gunshots. They rushed there and located two gangs of pirates fighting among themselves. Seeing the policemen, the pirates ran away. Jim immediately understood that the pirates must have come to urge Billy’s chest. Jim asked the policemen if he could meet the Squire. The Squire patiently listened to Jim as he told him all about Billy, the chest, the rolled paper, and therefore the attack. They decided to open the paper and discovered that it had been the map of an island revealing the trail to a buried treasure called Flint’s Fist. Quite excited, the Squire decided to travel to the island himself and search for the treasure. He invited Jim to return with him. The Squire hired a ship named Hispaniola and that they sailed to Treasure Island.

On the primary day of their journey, Jim met a cook, Long John Silver, who had just one leg. No sooner did Jim meet him than he remembered Billy’s warning against the person with one leg. He became very suspicious and stayed far away from Long John Silver. But Jim’s fear disappeared once he talked with Long John Silver. He was a pleasant, jolly man. He took Jim to his kitchen and while cooking dinner, told him funny stories. Jim liked him considerably.

After dinner one night, Jim was crawling into the massive barrel to urge an apple when he fell inside. As he was beginning, he heard footsteps. it had been Long John Silver. He and his men were plotting to hijack the ship, get the treasure, and murder the Squire and his men. Jim knew he had to inform the Squire immediately. Jim ran and told others about Silver’s plan. The Squire thought long and hard for quite a while and asked them to attend until they reached the island before they did anything. He warned others to take care of Silver.

Soon they received the island and everybody got into a rowboat to urge to shore. Silver had become suspicious of the Squire and as soon because the island became visible, he jumped out of the boat to urge ashore first. Once the boat touched the shore, Jim also jumped out and saw the forest before anyone could stop him. Once Jim was deep within the Island’s forest, he met a wierd beggarly looking man named Ben Gunn. He was another pirate from Flint’s gang who was marooned on the island three years ago.

Jim told him about the treasure. Ben agreed to assist Jim. Suddenly, they heard gunshots. They hid behind the bushes and that they saw the Squire and Silver fighting with one another . Silver quickly saw the bushes where he found Jim and therefore the strange man. He asked them to accompany him within the look for the treasure. Jim reluctantly agreed. He had no other choice. As they walked, they found a skeleton and an enormous hole within the ground. Everyone thought that they found the treasure and began to dig directly .

Meanwhile, the Squire came after Silver together with his crew. Silver and his men were outnumbered. They were surrounded and Silver surrendered and apologized for his mistakes and he was forgiven. Ben had already found the treasure earlier and had moved it to the safe place. He led all of them to the treasure.

The early subsequent morning, they were all able to journey back home. it had been a memorable adventure that nobody would ever forget. Long John Silver was the changed man now. He wanted to assist Jim and his mother and appearance after them within the Inn. Jim had found a replacement friend.

9) The Brave Eagle:

Born many moons ago was a really pretty and brave Princess. She was named Brave Eagle. Her parents were very pleased with her. She was a really special girl. She was kind to everyone and to all or any of the birds and animals.

One day, when Brave Eagle was very young, a pack of wolves came into the Indian camp. The Princess was very brave and faced the wolves. She told her dog, Little Happy Dog, to save lots of himself and run to inform the chief about the difficulty. The wolves captured Brave Eagle and took her to their cave. The Princess wasn't afraid. She was kind to the wolves and therefore the wolves liked her. The wolves decided to boost her as their own.

The wolves taught Brave Eagle everything they knew. They showed her the way to track animals and the way to hunt. They taught her about family life and the way important it's to assist one another. She taught the wolves how wonderful humans are often.

One day, when Brave Eagle and therefore the Wolves were playing within the flower field, Little Happy Dog showed up. He had been checking out Brave Eagle for several months. Brave Eagle was very happy to ascertain him. She missed him considerably. She remembered that what proportion she missed her people then she wanted to return to the Indian camp.

Brave Eagle and therefore the Wolves didn't need to speak to at least one another to understand what each was thinking. Brave Eagle was taught well by the wolves to steer her people to fertile hunting grounds. it had been time for her to travel back to her people and lead them to prosperity. The Wolves were sad then was Brave Eagle. The wolves had learned the ways of humans and Brave Eagle learned the ways of the wolves. that they had great respect for each other.

For many years after Brave Eagle returned to her people, the wolves were heard late within the dark howling in the distance. the sole one who knew what the wolves were saying was Brave Eagle. She learned the wolf language well. They were saying, “We miss you! We love you, Brave Eagle!

10) The Wooden Horse: 

A long, while ago, there was a city named Troy. the town was very rich and had great treasures inside its huge walls. Hearing the stories about the wealth that existed in Troy, the Greek King decided to require his army there to steal the gold.

Hundreds of warships with thousands of Greek soldiers sailed to Troy to undertake to overcome the town but the Troians spotting the invasion locked themselves into their huge fortress and regardless of what the Greeks tried to try to dothey might not get in. The Greeks tried everything for years but it had been just impossible o break-in. The Greek King was getting furious!

Suddenly, one morning, all of sudden, the Greek army had disappeared. No Greek soldier was to be seen. The Troian soldier decided to send some soldiers to see if the Greek army had indeed retreated in defeat. The Troians looked and looked but no Greek was to be found.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon an enormous Trojan Horse. The Troians all gathered up at the beach contemplating the horse. “This is a suggestion from the Greeks!” a Troian said. “To honor us for our victory! Let’s take it to our city so we will forever remember the day we defeated the Greeks.” “We shouldn't take anything from the Greeks,” an old man said. “My advice is that we burn this wooden horse!”

The King thought and thought and eventually decided to require the horse inside the walls of Troy! The peace had returned to Troy and everybody returned to their normal lives.

After a few days, there was a celebration, and each Troian visited the forest to celebrate. Suddenly, when everyone was away, a touch door within the Trojan Horse was opened and many Greek soldiers who were hidden inside got out of the horse and stole all the gold of Troy quickly escaping!

When the Troians returned, they were surprised to ascertain how they were tricked by the Greeks. They learned the lesson that “WHAT APPEARS TO BE a present are often A TRAP INSTEAD!”

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