Control your Anger : 

Once in a city lived two friends saam and Roni. They started a business venture together by investing money equally.

They worked very hard and after years they earned a lot of money with that business. After sometime saam thought of launching a new business venture. He didn’t have enough so he persuaded Roni to invest with him.

Roni wasn’t sure about the new idea but still agreed.

Both worked hard but their new business failed. They had to face heavy losses and all their hard-earned was spent to keep new business from sinking but still, their business collapsed.

Within a few years, both friends went from riches to rags.

Roni couldn’t forgive his friend. He felt that saam was responsible for his loss as he was the one who persuaded him to invest in his business idea and because of lack of his judgment, he lost everything.

With time Roni anger toward his friend was turned to fury. He decided to take revenge on him. So, One day while no one was around, he went to Saam’s house and set it on fire.

While he was fleeing from the scene, saam saw him but couldn’t prove anything. Seeing his home burnt away, Roni was burned with rage toward saam and decided to take revenge on him in his own way.

Roni went to the bank and took a loan. He set-up a business and made some money with it. He made the connection in the market during that time. Because of his connections and business, he had an advantage over Saam. So slowly he started to do destroy his life by making him lose everything he had left with him.

In few months Roni lost everything. One day he went to Saam’s house and said, “Let’s stop this madness.. We both have hurt each other enough..”

Roni replied, “I myself don’t enjoy revenge but you left me with no choice..”

Saam hesitantly asked, “Then is it's possible to put it all behind and become friends again..??”

Calmly Roni replied, “No.. Sorry but I will never forget what happened to my house and you won’t be able to forget what happened to your money.. This means we can’t be friends again.....

As with time, a person might learn to forgive but one can never forget wrong done to them..”

Moral of the story:
When in Anger we should try to stay calm. Once damage done to Others can’t be taken back.