Funny Stories


Once a toothpaste factory had a drag with its packaging and since of the packaging problem, some empty boxes were shipped without the tube inside.

Production line designing engineers knew it had been quite difficult to possess exact precision of packing tube into the pack with perfection whenever. They also knew it had been very necessary to map out this problem in order that people buying products don’t get frustrated.

CEO new that unsatisfied customers may cause the lower market price of the product in the market and company will face a huge loss. So she gathers all engineers from all departments and in any case discussion, they decided to rent an external engineering company to unravel this problem of empty boxes.

After spending an enormous amount and 6 months' time the matter was solved. A high-tech precision scale was installed on the assembly line. Once the boxes are crammed with a tube then it might be sent thereon precision scale and would sound a bell and flashlight whenever a box weighted but required weight.

The process was like whenever scale rang the bell due to an empty box then the line would stop and someone had to travel over there and move the defective box off the road then press the start button to restart the road

(Also Read - Friendship Story)

Few days after installing that precision scale, the CEO decided to require a glance at how it had been going as he wanted to understand if it had been ok. The scale was working fine and it had been detecting empty boxes perfectly and now even market share was gaining.

After some time again when he reviewed about working of the assembly line he acknowledged that the number of defective boxes picked by that scale was zero.

Previously it might pick a minimum of a dozen defective boxes per week but now it had been zero. He thought that there must be some mistake with the report. He filed a report for bug therein scale and asked engineers to see.

After some investigation engineers reported that the statistics were indeed correct and the scale wasn't picking defects because all the boxes that need to scale were good.

Perplexed, the CEO visited the factory and walked to a part of the assembly line where the scale was installed. He saw that there was a desk fan placed just a few feet before the place where the scale was installed which desk fan was blowing off all the empty boxes into the bin. Curious he asked workers around that.

One of the workers stated, “Oh that, it had been placed by that guy who had to stay check thereon scale and begin line again due to which he was uninterested in walking over whenever the bell rang..!!”

Every problem has a solution but thinking a particular way we are not able to find the solution, Think easier and find the problem and solve it 


Once engineers at one among major aerospace companies were testing the consequences of bird strikes on the windshield on various jets and airliners.

So to stimulate the effect of a bird striking a traveling plane at high-speed engineers decided to form a strong gun with which they might fire dead chicken at the windshields.

After some tests engineers declared that the test was very successful and therefore the stimulation they used with guns and dead chickens worked very effectively.

Many articles and projects were published associated with the suitability of windshields and test done to approve that windshields were now suitable for planes.

At an equivalent time in another part of the world, other scientists were trying to assess the same thing but on windshields of very new high train speeds.

These train test engineers had heard about the pioneering test developed by the aerospace team, in order that they approached them and asked proper specifications of the test and thanks to conducting that test and therefore the gun and the dead bird.

Aerospace test engineers were happy to supply all the small print associated with the test done on the windshield.

Now train engineers were ready to create their own stimulation of bird striking high-speed train But when tests were done results were shocking.

Windshields that were alleged to be of high resistance to bird strike were smashed into pieces. actually, every single windshield they tried for testing was shattered alongside the test booth itself.

Train engineers were horrified and anxious about the new high-speed train safety and technology in order that they visited the engineer with a long report of the failure of the test and asked for advice and suggestions.

After reading the report a quick reply was sent from aerospace company test engineers which were..

You Need to Defrost the Chickens First…


Sometimes we exerting and specialize in the important things but forget to note small things that we overlook due to pressure and work. So we'd like to take a seat and think for touch and that we can find an answer.



Fairy Grants Couple Wishes..!!

Once a few were bent celebrate their 45th anniversary. They visited a restaurant for dinner.

After the meal, on this occasion husband presented the wife with a really beautiful antique gold chin with the locket. The wife was very happy and she or he opened the locket.

A tiny fair appeared ahead of them. Couples were amazed to ascertain that fairy.

Addressing the couple fairy said, “Your such long devotion to every other has released me from this locket. Now reciprocally I grant you both one wish each. Wish for love or money you would like ..!!”

Without thinking much wife wished, “Can I travel all around the world with my husband?”

The fairy waves her wand and her wish was fulfilled. Magically on the table, there have been two first-class tickets for the Round-the-World tour for them. The couple was very happy to ascertain that.

Now fairy turned toward husband and said, “Now, your turn.”

Husband thought for few seconds then said, “Forgive me but to actually enjoy that vacation around the world, I yearn for younger ladies – So I wish that I might be thirty years younger than me.”

Fairy glanced at the wife and with a twisted look in her eyes, the fairy waved her wand, and within a second – The husband became 30 years older than his wife.

Husband’s Love for Wife..!! 

Once there was a few, the Husband wont to drink tons and ruin things when clicking which won't anger his wife and that they want to fight tons about it.

One day Mark awakens reception in the morning after an enormous hangover. He forced himself to open up his eyes and the very first thing he sees ahead of his eyes was a glass of water and a few aspirins for his headache on the side table.

After taking pills he stays up straight on his bed and sees that his clean and ironed clothes were kept on the table. He was surprised to ascertain this.

Again he looked around and saw that everything around him was so as and clean. He saw that there was a note on the table. “Honey breakfast is prepared and that I am leaving early for a few work. Love You” was written on the note left by his wife.

After reading the note mark visited the kitchen where he saw that morning newspaper was kept aside his breakfast. He saw that his son was also sitting there eating.

He was curious to understand what happened last night so he asked his son, “Son, what happened last night?”

His son replied, “Dad, last night you came home at three in the morning, you were drunk and out of control. You broke some furniture and puked in the way and even stumble into the door.”

Confused husband asked, “So, why is everything in order? Why everything is so clean and organized?”

His son replied, “Oh that..!! When mom dragged you to the bedroom and tried to require off your clothes. You said… Lady please leave me alone, Am married.!! 

4 ) Attractive Farmer’s Reply: 

At an old chapel, all locals and remote people want to come up for Sunday services. just one occasion it had been freezing snow outside and nobody came to chapel except one. The farmer came several miles to the chapel even after it had been snowing and freezing cold outside.

Now there have been only two people at the chapel, one was a priest and therefore the other was the farmer. Seeing that there's just one person within the audience.

The clergyman expecting a mutually helpful reaction from him said, “I am unsure if it’s worth proceeding with the services. Might we better attend our warm houses and have a hot drink?”

“Well, I'm just an easy farmer.” said the farmer.

Farmer continued, “But once I attend feed my herd and if there's only turns up for food, I sure don’t leave him hungry..”

The clergyman felt ashamed and began to deliver his services. The clergyman recited hymns and readings, last the services for a few of hours.

Finishing proudly clergyman felt very happy and thanked the farmer for the lesson that – regardless of how small the necessity is but our duty remains. we should always complete our duties albeit there's only a little need. Before both begin for his or her homes.

Clergyman asked the farmer, “Was that okay??”

The farmer replied, “Well i'm just an easy farmer. But once I attend feed my herd and if just one turns up for food that I sure don’t force to eat it what I even have bought for the entire herd..!!”

Moral of the story:
We should Learn that our duty remains no matter the extent of Need but we also got to confirm that We adapt to vary and deliver consistent with the need 

5) Response to Skeptic Request: 

A man who was a Skeptic (Skeptic is someone who doesn’t believe God) went trekking. On his way, he got lost deep within the dense forest. the person was trying to seem for his answer from that forest and after walking a short time he saw that there was a bear together with his cubs at a distance from him.

The bear was very large. Bear and its cubs appeared to be very hungry at that point. Bear began to move toward that man, the person got terrified. He screamed in terror and began to run far away from the bear. He tried his best to ran far away from the bear but eventually, he got exhausted and sank to his knees. Shakily man was just sitting there in fear.

Bear, seeing his prey, moved slowly towards the petrified man. Man's eyes were crammed with tears.

Being an Atheist man couldn’t believe anything and utter words he never thought he would say ever all his life, “God Please Help me..!!”

Just when the person said these words, a flash of lightning appeared up within the sky. Clouds parted away and therefore the forest fell silent. Everything around that man froze still and even the bear froze still during a trance. Atheist stood there seeing all this.

A loud voice came from above and said, “You are an atheist and you seriously made me mad. You denied me all of your life and now once you lost simply because you couldn’t follow your stupid map properly. Now once you are close to be eaten by a hungry bear, suddenly you're on your knees and begging for my help…? is that this a joke?”

The skeptic looked down and realized that he's in no position to argue. So he said, “I understand your point. It’s a touch late on behalf of me to convert.”

He thought to himself, “What if God turns to bear into a Believer then it'll not harm him.” and said to God, ” But what about bear?? Maybe you'll convert bear instead..!!”

“Hmm.. interesting... It shall be done..”, God replied. At a moment, the white light vanished and everything went back to normal.

After a short time bear awoke and shook its head and had a totally different expression on its face, it had been looking calm and asleepthe person felt relieved.

After a short time, he saw that bear closed its eyes and bowed its head to God, and said, “Thank u, my Lord, for what we are close to receiving. many thanks for the food you gave. Amen.”

Moral of the story :

Always think... What you invite Because it’s not necessary that things will go the way you think that they're going to happen. 

6) Farmer Clever Reply to King:

In a small village lived a really hardworking farmer. Once in his field, he had grown an enormous watermelon. The Farmer was very pleased with his watermelons cause he knew it had been the large anyone had ever seen. He gazed at it for hours, brooding about what to try to do with it.

First, he thought that he should sell it within the market because it would get him good profit but he thought and decided to stay it in an exhibition. He kept on thinking like that. at last, he decided to gift it to the King. Then the farmer visited roll in the hay his happy thoughts about the rewards he will get from the king for that watermelon.

The king of that kingdom was very kind and caring so he had a habit of going for rehearsing his kingdom disguised because the commoner to see if all his subjects were safe. that very same night, the king disguised as a standard man gone by the farmer’s house. There he spotted that big watermelon and was so fascinated by it that he went over to the farmer house door and knocked thereon.

The farmer awakened and came out and questioned, “Who are you and what does one want at this time?”

King replied, “I am a pauper and saw this big watermelon during this field and that I want this watermelon.”

“Watermelon... NO!!” replied the farmer.

King got curious and asked, “Why no?? What are you getting to do with it?”

The Farmer replied, “I am getting to provides it to our king as a gift .”

King questioned, “ What if the king doesn’t like it?”

“Then He may attend Hell..!!”, was the moment reply from the farmer.

After this conversation king left and therefore the farmer went back to his sleep.

The next morning, Farmer carrying his watermelon visited the king’s palace. When he saw the King, he recognized him but rather than getting scared or brooding about last night's conversation he pretended as if he knew nothing. Now he presented the king watermelon he bought and said, “Your majesty... this is often the most important watermelon during this country. I brought this for you as a gift I hope you'll love it .”

King questioned, “What if I don’t like it?”

“Well, therein case, you already know my answer... Your Majesty..!!” replied the farmer.

Listening to the farmer's response king smiled and said, “I accept your gift”. King rewarded farmers not just for his gift but also for his wittiness and intelligence 

Moral of the story:

Intelligence and Mindful thinking can help us to get out of the difficult situations with Ease.

7) why you should change your vision:

Once there was a real man of means who was affected by severe eye pain. He consulted many doctors and tried their treatments but nothing helped. Even after consuming numerous drugs to treat his eye, he still suffered from pain which pain within the eye persisted quite before.

At last, he heard a few monks who were famous for being an expert in treating such problems. He visited him and told him about his problem.

Monk understood his problem and said that “You should concentrate only on green colors and check out to not let your eyes fall on the other color.”

Man found this kinda prescription strange but he was wanting to find a cure and decided to undertake it.

The wealthy man involved a gaggle of painters and purchased a lot of green paint and directed that each object his eye was likely to fall to be painted green even as the monk had directed.

Just in few days, everything around that man was in green. man of means made sure that nothing around would in the other color.

After some days, the monk came to go to man of means, a millionaire servant ran with a bucket of green paint and poured it everywhere for him.

Monk asked servants the rationale for this. The servant replied, “You were wearing saffron and that we can’t let our master see the other color than green..”

Hearing this monk laughed and said, “If only.. you had purchased a pair of green-colored glasses for him to wear.. worth just a couple of dollars..

You could have saved of these walls, articles and also would are ready to save an outsized amount of his fortune.. you can't paint the planet green.”  

Moral of the story:

It is foolish to shape change the world, Let’s Shape ourselves first.. Let us change our vision and the world will appear accordingly. 

 8) Honest Smuggler :

Once Somnath was leading a donkey that had a bundle of wooden sticks on its back across the border. Their inspector stopped Somnath for inspection.

Inspector asked, “What is your business here?”
Somnath replied, “I am an honest smuggler..”

Inspector was surprised at the reply and responded, “Really?? Ok then let me search everything and if i find something then you've got to pay border fees..”

Somnath replied, “Sure.. Do as you would like .. but I can assure you that you simply will find nothing..”

Inspector intensively searched and took apart everything but still couldn’t find anything. within the end, he allowed Nasrudin to pass the border saying, “I suppose you've got managed to urge by me today..”

Next week again Somnath came with a donkey carrying a bundle of straws. When the inspector saw him, he recognized Nasrudin and thought to himself, “This time I will be able to get him needless to say ..”

Inspector thoroughly checked through a bundle of straws then even searched Somnath clothing but still couldn’t find anything. Even at this point he had to let Somnath undergo the border.

This continued for several years but the inspector couldn’t find anything. With every passing year, Somnath wore more and more extravagant clothing and jewelry that indicated he was getting wealthier.

Eventually, the inspector retired from his long-time job yet he couldn’t ditch Somnath.

One day inspector spotted Somnath within the market. Inspector stopped him and said, “I know you..!! you're that one that wont to travel by the border with a donkey carrying bundles of straws or wooden sticks..”

Inspector said to him, “Please sir.. Can we talk for a moment ..?”

Somnath agreed.

Inspector questioned, “I always wondered what you were smuggling past my border a day .. Now i m retired.. I need to know.. Please tell me what you smuggled all those years..”

Somnath smiled and replied, “Donkeys..”

9) Secret Behind the Door :

It was nighttime, a person was driving down the road and his car breaks down near a monastery. due to the already dark , he goes to the monastery and knocks on the door. because the monk came outside and opens the door, the person says, “My car broke down. am i able to stay here for a night?”

Monk accepted his request. Monks not only let him stay but also feed him and even fixed his car. because the man tried to fell asleep, he heard a weird sound. the subsequent morning he asked the monk that sound but the monk said, “We can’t tell you that because you're not a monk.”

Man felt disappointed but thank them and left on his way.

After some years, an equivalent man's car breaks down ahead of an equivalent monastery. Everything happened as equivalent as before. Monks accepted him and feed him and glued his car.

This time when the man visited sleep even this point he hears same strange noise that he had heard earlier. subsequent morning he asks the monk that noise but monk replied same, “We can’t tell you because you're not monk.”

Man said, “All right. i would like to understand what reason for that sound if only to seek out out about it's to become a monk, then tell me how am i able to become a monk?”

Monk replied, “If you would like to become a monk then you've got to travel the world and tell us the precise number of sand pebbles. once you find this, you'll become a monk.”

Man set for this task and Forty years later he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery and said, “I have traveled the entire earth and that i have found that there are 222,345,323,954,110,958,203 sand pebbles on the world .”

Monk congrats the person and said, “Now we shall show you the thanks to the sound.”

Man was happy as monk lead him towards a wooden door and said, “Sound you trying to find is true behind that door.”

Man reaches for the knob to open the door but acknowledged that door was locked. So he requested monk to offer him the key to open the door. Monk gave him the key.

Man opens the door and behind that door he saw another door made from stone. Again man saw that the door was locked so he asked for key thereto door.

As man opened stone door he find another door made from gold and it had been also locked. Monk gave him key thereto door also. Again there was another door made from ruby. This goes on until he had to travel through another series of door.

Finally, monk said, “This the last door and here is vital to the present door.”

Man was eventually relieved and he unlocks the door, turns the knob and he was amazed to seek out the source of sound behind that door


I can’t tell you what it's .. Because you're not a monk. 

10) Secret to Happy Married Life :

A couple married for quite 60 years. They shared everything and talked about everything, They never even kept any secrets from one another apart from one. Women kept a shoebox in top of her closet and told her husband never to open it or ask about it.

For of these years, her husband never talked about it. at some point, wife got very sick and therefore the doctor said that she can’t get over that disease.

At that point they tried to map out their affairs, old man took out that shoebox from the highest of the closet and took it beside his wife. She agreed to inform her husband about what was therein box.

When the old man opened it he acknowledged two crocheted dolls and a stack of cash adequate to $95,000.

An old man got curious and asked her about its content.

She said, “When we were married. My grandmother told me the key of happy married life. the key was never to argue. She told me that if i ever got angry with you then i should just shut one's mouth and crochet a doll.”

An old man was so moved, he had tears in his eyes seeing that there have been two just two Dolls thinking that she had been angry with him just twice altogether those years of living and loving. He almost burst happily.

He said, “Honey, that explains the doll but what about all this money during this box? Where did it come from?”

“Oh”, She said, “That’s the cash i made up of Selling the Dolls.” 


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