Friendship Story

 1. The Locker Keys:

Once in a town lived a rich man. He had a very successful business. He met a man who used to visit his shop daily. With time they became friends.

One day a rich man had to go out of town with his family. He was worried about his money kept in the house.

He talked to this about his family, They suggested to him that he should ask his friend for help.

The rich man...... Read More

2. True School Friend:

Once there was a little girl Lily who was very friendly and popular in her class. She was friends with everyone in her class. There was no one in class who didn’t like her.

She was very kind and would always be busy with her friends. She felt very happy that she had so many friends at school and in her neighborhood.

On Friendship day, their class organized an event, in which everyone had to make three presents and give them to their best friends. Lily was very happy about coming to friendship day and was expecting gifts from her friends.

However, when all presents were shared among classmates. She was the only one who......

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3. Two Best Friends:

Long Ago, in a village lived two friends Raman and Tarun. Raman was from a wealthy family whereas Tarun was from a poor family.

Despite their status difference they used to stay with each other all the time and were best friends.

As time went by both grew up and got busy with their life. With a busy life, they didn’t get much time to meet each other.

One day, Tarun got very ill and he was given the best rest. When Raman came to know about it. He went to Tarun’s house to meet him.

He didn’t stay there for long and talked much but instead, he just took so...... Read More 

4. Find your Friend: 

Once in a forest lived a hare who was very friendly with all other animals in the forest. His nature was generous and would always help others in need. He was very popular among other animals and loved by them.

One day he was resting. Suddenly he sensed that a pack of hounds was running towards his place. Hearing that hare left that place and started running. He ran until he couldn’t run anymore. So after he got tired he sat by the roadside to rest.

Just after a while, he saw... Read More 

5. The Story of philosophy:

In ancient times, Socrates (Philosopher) in Greece were considered in High esteem for their knowledge. One day a follower of a great philosopher went to him and started saying, “Do you know what things I just heard about one of your friends?”

Just before he could say anything further philosopher interrupted him saying, “Hold on a minute. Before you tell me about my friends it would be good to just wait for a moment and filter what you are going to say. I call it a Triple Filter Test”

Philosopher continued, “The first filter is Truth...Read More

6.  Control your Anger : 

Once in a city lived two friends saam and Roni. They started a business venture together by investing money equally.

They worked very hard and after years they earned a lot of money with that business. After sometime saam thought of launching a new business venture. He didn’t have enough so he persuaded Roni to invest with him.

Roni wasn’t sure about the new idea but still agreed.

Both worked hard but their new business failed. They had to..... Read More 

7. The story of Birbal :

Once Birbal and his friend were going somewhere. In their way, they had to pass a small stream, on which there was an old bridge which was so narrow that only one person could pass at a time, and with time it had become too slippery.

When they reached there Birbal managed to get across safely but when his friend tried to cross that bridge as soon as he was going to reach another side he lost his balance and fell into the water.

Birbal immediately leaned down and stretched out his hand toward his friend in order to help him. His friend.... Read More 

8. A true dog friend:

Once a man and his dog were walking along a beautiful road. Just then man realized that he had died and his dog who was there, had been dead for years.

He was happy to see his companion with him. While both were walking forward, the man wondered where that road was leading him.

After a while, he saw a big stone wall that was shining and glittering. When he walked alongside that big wall, he saw a big magnificent gate which was made of pure gold.

At door, he saw a guard. The man was feeling thirsty. So he went to him and said, “Excuse me, sir, Where are we?”
Guard replied, “This is Heaven..”

The man... Read More

9. A helpful friend:

Once there was a farmer who had a goat and a horse. One day the horse becomes ill so the farmer called the veterinarian.

The vet said, “Your horse has a virus. He must take medicine for three days. I will come back and give him medicines for three days And on the third day if he is still not better we have to kill him.”

Goat listened to all this conversation. The next day vet started medicine for the horse. The vet gave him medicine and left.

After the vet left goat approached the horse...Read More

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