A helpful friend:

Once there was a farmer who had a goat and a horse. One day the horse becomes ill so the farmer called the veterinarian.

The vet said, “Your horse has a virus. He must take medicine for three days. I will come back and give him medicines for three days And on the third day if he is still not better we have to kill him.”

Goat listened to all this conversation. The next day vet started medicine for the horse. The vet gave him medicine and left.

After the vet left goat approached the horse and said, “Be strong my friends, or else they are going to put you to sleep forever.”

Similarly on the second-day vet left after giving horse medicine. The goat came to the horse and said, “Come on buddy get up or else you are going to die!! Come on get up..!!”

On the third day, after giving the horse medicine vet examined the horse and said to the farmer, “Unfortunately we have to kill him. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect other horses.”

This time after the vet left again goat came to the horse and tried to help him.

Goat said, “Listen, friend, It's now or never!!
Get up, come on have courage!!
Come on get up!! That’s it, Come on get up slowly.
Great! come on, One, Two, Three…
Good rum faster..!!
Run More!!
Yes, You did it!! ow, you are champion..”

All of sudden the farmer came back, saw the horse running in the field and began shouting, “Its miracle! My horse is cured. We must have a grand party. let's kill the goat”

Moral of the story:
This often happens in life and the workplace. No one truly knows who deserves the merit of success and contributing to success. Who is actually contributing the necessary support to make things happen? Be Grateful.
Remember “To Live Without Recognition is a Skill”