You square Book Review by Price Pritchett Ph.D

 You square by Price Pritchett is basically an instruction manual for taking Quantum leap in your life.

You might wonder who Price Pritchett is?. well Price Pritchett is a business advisor, speaker and, Author who specializes in mergers, culture and organization and change. He is one of the best selling change management authors. In his books and speech you can find that he explains us an unconventional set of behavior that will bring breakthrough performance like taking Quantum leaps.

Well he starts the book with a story of a fly; the fly tries to penetrate through the glass and make its way through but is unable to do so. It uses every single ounce of its energy to break through the glass but its efforts are always in vain and it eventually dies of exhaustion. If, the fly had wondered and see that there was a door open next to the window then he could not have wasted his energy and die tragically.

This is what the author suggests us in doing so, that is looking out for other means which is not harder and not energy consuming but very strategic.

In this Book he says,

  • Quit trying harder
  •  Think beyond what common sense would allow
  •  Make your move before you are ready
  •  Look inside for opportunity.

This book really amazed me, earlier I used to take a single step at a time but after reading this book something really changed in me, that is my way of thinking of how should I proceed further?

Sharing one of my experience, I recently took my board exams and to be frank, there was one subject which I was not confident about, I thought about just getting pass marks will be sufficient, as you know in exam time you would like to read everything except your exam subjects, well at that time I came across this book and I was keen to experiment, I don’t know if it's believable but I seriously changed my studying method and to my surprise, I got almost full marks!

I swear to god that my words are true.

Talking about the book,

It says ignore conventional ways and I totally agree with it, like using fineness instead of effort works pretty well.

If you are trying to climb over the wall, open a door and walk through it. If you are pushing against the river try going with the flow.

Concept which author has introduced to us is interesting and it’s practically applicable but some people may find it rather vague as the author does not really give us direction or tells us how to apply them. The steps are not given/ explained in detail.

Pritchett insists that the bigger obstacle to overcoming the odd is, never challenging them and we must always trust in the power of pursuit.

There is a topic here in this book is Seek failure 

I was baffled, like why would he say Seek failure while we are taking Quantum leaps towards success. Well, he says that the Quantum leap demands a willingness to make mistakes and that we must realize that if we are experiencing difficulty, problems or pain we probably have aimed too low. We have leveled off in our growth and the achievement; we probably are far from reaching our limits.

That is why he insists us to seek failure.

And he again insist that it may look everything as a failure in the middle but progress often masquerades as trouble and failure does not mean that you are defeated, right?

Get uncomfortable was really something as Quantum leaps jerks you out of your comfort zone.

When you take the quantum leap you ride the situation but you don't really control it all that much in fact the only pay you can control is by:

 Knowing where you are going

 Continuing the pursuit

 Learning from your mistakes

 Uneasiness is predictable psychological reaction when Quantum leap is underway so don't worry if you are uneasy.

 The main theme or the main point which writer wants us to understand is that, we have to make our move before we are ready for it; bogging down getting as we go forward everything will come to us eventually. We have to move forward, we should not pause or step down and try to convince ourselves getting prepared, we just have to take the leap and whatever it comes, it comes. Getting ready is quite frankly is a stalling tactic and an act of anxiety a con game you are working on yourself.

‘Look inside at what pulls at your consciousness for there you will find direction everything else is in position waiting for you. Just to go make your Quantum leap’. With this he finishes the book well this is an amazing book and really very helpful. Talking about the cons, the book does not give us detailed steps or instructions and topics could be a little vague I agree and it is not any research-based as well but this book can really shape  your view in a Quantum way you know, like that you can integrate your success rate and your work effort you cannot just add up to it but INTEGRATE!

                                                                                                -Prasamsa Pokharel

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