The Platinum Ring :

The Platinum Ring:

A Father gave his money and ring to his sons. He showed them his platinum ring and said to them, “I am not giving this ring to you now. Go out and do some noble deeds. Then come to me. Tell me about your needs. Then I will give this ring to one of you. The ring will be the reward for the noblest-deed."

The sons went out. They did noble deeds. After some months, they returned to their father.

One of the sons said, “Father… Give me the ring. I have done a great and noble deed. A man left all his money with me. He traveled to many countries. Then he came to me. He wanted his money back. I returned his money to him."

Another son said, “A child fell into a river. The water was carrying the child away. I jumped into the river. I saved the child."

The third son said, “Father….please listen to me. My enemy was sleeping on the edge of a huge rock. I was calling him but he didn't respond, after that, I had to wake him up." And I did.

The father said, “All the people love their friends. But you loved your enemy. You saved him from his death. You have done the noblest deed. Take this ring." 

Sometimes we should help others. 

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