Love story 2

 11. Poor Husband Wife :

One day Wife asked her husband to buy her comb so that she can grow her hair well and be well-groomed.

Her husband couldn’t afford to buy her comb and felt sorry. He refused her and explained that he didn’t even have enough money to fix the strap of his watch. After knowing this she didn’t insist on her request.

The next day, as Husband was going to work, he passed by a watch shop and went inside to sold his damaged watch so that he can buy a comb for his wife.

In the evening..... Read More

12. Story of Boy and Girl Who Loved But?

 Class 10th:-

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my ‘best friend’. I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn’t notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes. I handed them to her.

She thanked me and gave a Kiss on my Cheek. All I wanted to do is to tell her how I feel about her. I love her and wanted to tell her that I want her to be mine but I was too shy to tell her.

 Class 11th:-
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was..... Read More

13. Heart Touching Love Story :

It's the story of a Boy and Girl. They were best friends for years and used to talk on the phone for hours and text each other the whole day. There wouldn’t be a day on which they didn’t contact and talk to each other. Everything was great. They used to be happy in each other company and enjoy it.

But one day the boy didn’t call or replied to the girl for a day. The girl got worried and knew something was wrong. At night in her room, she was crying and at that time she realized how much he meant to her.

The next day in the morning..... Read More

14.  Boy and Girl After Marriage:

A boy and girl loved each other very much. One day boy proposed a girl.

The girl asked, “What am I to you?”
The boy thought for a moment  and then looked into her eyes and said, “You are missing part of my heart.”

The girl smiled and accepted his proposal. Soon they both got married and lived a happy life for a while. With time young couple began to drift apart because of their busy schedule. Due to daily worries and work, their life became difficult.

With each passing day, the couple started..... Read More

15.  Arrogant Rich Girl Story:

Once a poor boy fell in love with a rich man's daughter. The boy loved her a lot so one day he proposed to her.

The girl rejected him by saying, “Listen, your monthly salary is even less than my daily expenses. How can I live with you? How could you even think of coming to me and ask me?? I can never ever love you. Forget about me and go find someone of your level to get engaged.”

Even after knowing the girl’s thoughts he still loved her and.... Read More 

16. Losing Everything :

A couple had been married for 10 years but they didn’t have any children. They stayed with each other and really hoped that they will have a child before their 11th anniversary. Their family and friends were pursuing them to get a divorce but they didn’t want to get separated because of the strong love between them.

Months passed.

One day while her husband was returning home from work, he saw his wife walking down the street with a man. They were looking very happy. After a week... Read More

17. Loving Daughter:

One day Little 12 years old girl asked her father, “What are you going to gift me for my next birthday?”
Father Smiled and said, “There is much time, so wait till your Birthday.”
Just after a few days of this conversation, the girl fainted and was rushed to the hospital. After checking on the girl, the Doctor came out and informed the family that the girl had a Bad Heart, and probably she will die. Everyone in the family was shocked to hear that and didn’t know what to do.
While the girl.....Read More

18. life-changing experience :

Story of a man who experienced a life-changing event at the airport while he was waiting there to pick up his friend. As the man was trying to locate his friends at the airport, He noticed a man coming toward him carrying his bags and stopped right next to him.

After reaching his family he first motioned to his younger son (6yrs old). As the separated father said to his son, “It’s so good to see you son. I missed you so much.” His son replied softly, “Me too Dad.”

Now the man...... Read More

19. A Selfish Girlfriend :

There was a girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She used to hate everyone around her except her Boyfriend. He was always there for her even after the accident in which she got blind and her behavior changed towards life.

She always used to say that if she could see the world. She would marry her boyfriend. One day

20. The End :

When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.  Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.

She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead, she asked me softly, why?  I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew..... Read More

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