Heart Touching Love

Heart Touching Love Story :

It's the story of a Boy and Girl. They were best friends for years and used to talk on the phone for hours and text each other the whole day. There wouldn’t be a day on which they didn’t contact and talk to each other. Everything was great. They used to be happy in each other company and enjoy it.

But one day the boy didn’t call or replied to the girl for a day. The girl got worried and knew something was wrong. At night in her room, she was crying and at that time she realized how much he meant to her.

The next day in the morning she got a call. It was from a boy.

Boy: Hi
Girl: I am so glad that you called, What happened to you yesterday?
Boy: I was busy.

(After silence for min)

Boy: I think we should stop talking.
Girl: What? but why?
Boy: Sorry. Bye.

After this boy disconnected the call. The girl was shocked. She couldn’t understand anything and was feeling lonely, rejected, and broken. After thinking she decided to make a last try to get him back. So, She called him.

Girl: Hi
Boy: Why are you calling me?
Girl: I need to ask u something.
Boy: Go ahead
Girl (With heavy heart): Are you alright?
She tried to talk but she thought maybe he really doesn’t care. She broke off and left her house leaving a note.

A few hours later the boy got a call. It was to inform him that girl got hit by a car and her condition was serious. The boy rushed to the hospital and went to see her. He was sitting beside her holding her hand.

Boy: I am sorry it’s all my fault But.. I promise I will make it up to u.
Girl: I am not gonna get better!!
Boy: Don’t say that.
Girl: Just tell me one thing why you asked me to leave?

To this question of her boy tell her the truth that he has a heart problem and he didn’t want her to get worried because there was a risk that he would die.

The boy continued and said, “I did this because I Love You…!!”
I Love u Too.. The girl said and her heart stops beating. Just after 10 mins the boy also died because of a heart attack. As he could live with the thought that she died because of him.

Moral of the story:

If you Love someone then Don’t hold back your feelings. Never hide your problems and feeling from the one who cares for you and Loves you.

Thanksgiving - English stories

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