Boy and Girl After Marriage

Boy and Girl After Marriage:

A boy and girl loved each other very much. One day boy proposed a girl.

The girl asked, “What am I to you?”
The boy thought for a moment  and then looked into her eyes and said, “You are missing part of my heart.”

The girl smiled and accepted his proposal. Soon they both got married and lived a happy life for a while. With time young couple began to drift apart because of their busy schedule. Due to daily worries and work, their life became difficult.

With each passing day, the couple started to have quarrels and with this, their relation got affected badly with time it became worse.

One day after the fight girl ran out of the house and shouted to her husband, “You don’t love me.”
The boy hated her silliness and out of impulse said, “May it was a mistake. You were never the missing part of my life!!” ( Arrogant Rich Girl Story)

Suddenly the girl turned quiet and she knew spoken words can’t be taken back. With tears in her eyes, she went home, pack her things, and before leaving him left a note for him.

The note said, “Maybe I was never missing part of your life, let me go and search for some who is…. Let's go our separate ways. This way it would be less painful.”

Five years passed..

The boy never married again but he used to keep information about the girl somehow. He knew that she had left the country and was living her dreams. He used to regret what happened but never went to the girl and tried to patch up. He never wanted to accept the fact that he missed her and still missing her in his life.

One day at the airport while he was going away on a business trip he saw her. She was standing alone just a few steps away. She saw him and smiled at him gently.

The boy asked, “How are you?”
The girl replied, “I am fine how about you? did you find the love of your life?”
The boy answered, “No..”
The girl said, “I will be flying on the next flight.”
The boy said, “I will be back in 2 weeks. Give me a call then..”

The girl smiled and waved goodbye to him.

The same evening boy heard of a plane crash. Same plane on which girl went. The boy tried to found about her and he got to know that she was dead. Once again like before he felt the pain of missing her. he finally knew that she was the missing part that he had broken carelessly and now she was gone forever.

Moral Of the Story:
Sometimes people say things out of anger but we should not act on impulse and try to think wisely and give time because a moment of anger could result in a lifetime of punishment.

Thanksgiving - English stories

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