A Curious Death


It was a night of summer, Ronny was sitting on his couch and watching the news on Television. The news was associated with social issues and political problems. Ronny was seriously watching and analyzing the news topic because it was very sensitive and is an emerging problem in today's world. the difficulty is of the recent RAPE CASE.

He was getting angry on the steps of the govt and court as they were treating Jaype (rapist) sort of folk. While Ronny was thinking that these sorts of people aren’t humans anymore after committing such a significant crime. He doesn’t deserve any human rights. The subsequent day Ronny was in his college discussing an equivalent topic with their friends and his anger was on the hike towards the non-fruitful protocols and procedure of the court and government.

According to him the criminal within the case of rape shouldn't get any chance to save lots of himself in any way from the punishment. On the opposite hand, the court had given another chance to save lots of themselves from the punishment declared by the court.

Ronny was a student but he sees this world differently as consistent with him “delayed justice with late realization isn't a fruitful and justified justice anymore!”

“Justice is that which is given to the victim on time with none late realization. the matter lately realization is that the worst and pathetic step of the court and government as by until late realization of the justice panel the victim's life become the worst and destroyed “

Ronny was expecting the death punishment for the foremost dangerous criminal of the millennium that's a rapist. But on the hearing of the criminal within the court, the death sentence of the criminal was postponed because the defense attorney said that his client wasn't present at the crime scene during the time of the crime. and provides some more excuses about human rights and everyone. For this court asked to supply the network reports from the network provider company on the subsequent hearing date of this case.
Due to this, Ronny felt sorrow for the victim and he was getting hyper with the passage of the time for the choice of the court. Then he decided to try to do something by going out of the way of procedures and protocols. Somehow he got Twitter to handle the id of the defense attorney and there he posted a life-threatening message for the defense attorney and his client (criminal of the rape case i.e. Jaypee). But all the threat was ignored by the lawyer.

On the subsequent hearing date of the case, the defense attorney was asked to present the network report of the suspect, which network report was showing that he was at his house during the time of the crime. And thus the court released the suspect and asked the police to reinvestigate the case again!

Ronny was shocked after hearing the choice of the court so he decided to try to do some investigation on his own about the case.
To start the investigation he somehow manages to satisfy the victim’s lawyer after following him for the last 7 days. From there he gathered some basic details of the case then he proceeded on his own to unravel the case.

That night he managed to succeed in the house of the defense attorney with some sharp weapon and there he caught the son of that defense attorney and asked about case details and every one information about the first suspect of the case who was released by the court at the last hearing. The lawyer's words were hard to believe as he said “ they showed a fake network report back to the court, by erasing the first report from the crime scene and modified in such how which showed the presence of the criminal at his house only at the time of the crime. The lawyer revealed another fact about the case that one among the relatives of the suspect may be a well-reputed businessman named Arif sheik, who influenced this case very smartly and perfectly.
He gave $10million to the network provider company to switch the network reports and therefore the company prepared a fake report of Jaypee.
Ronny was shocked and located a devastating fact about crime and corruption.

All the facts worked just like the fire within the oil.

For the last 3-4 days Ronny was worried and busy doing suspicious activities.
The next day Ronny abducted the CEO of network provider company: Arif sheik. And spread a message via social media to reopen the file of the suspect Jaype to offer true justice to the rape victim Eliza. 
Arif sheik said to Ronny “please accept 2 million dollars and leave me”.
Ronny:- why should I leave you?
Corrupt people such as you had made this country’s condition worse! You people are more dangerous than viruses and harmful radioactivities.

Ronny then picked an iron rod and hit on the shoulder of the Arif sheik with a deadly impact, thanks to which a bone of Arif’s shoulder broke and he began to scream badly. Ronny forcefully recorded the statement of the Arif with a camera. In his statement, Arif said “the businessmen Nirav Joshi gave him 10 million dollars to make a fake report of Jaypee. And said that Jaypee is that the real suspect within the case who raped Eliza!

After this Ronny was following the suspect Jaypee and Nirav Joshi with great precaution and determination but unfortunately Ronny died during a road accident!

It was really unfortunate that the one that was fighting for reality had died before revealing the reality before the law and therefore the people of this country. He died for the social cause and for the victim with whom he has no blood relative but he tried his best to seek out the reality about the case and he was almost at the sting to reveal everything soon, before that he died.

After 2 weeks of Ronny’s death, some dead bodies were found around the nearest railroad station at the railway track!
The dead bodies were of the businessman Nirav Joshi, CEO Arif sheik, defense attorney I.K Gadgil, and another body was found that was Jaype’s, which was badly chopped.

All these dead bodies were strange to found together for the police they were in shock that does they were murdered or they committed suicide! This was the most important mystery for the police to unravel and was strange too! ( more adventure stories

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