A story about Helping Others :

A 15 years old kid name sonu was returning home from play. On his way back home he saw a boy crying.

Sonu asked the boy, “Why are you crying?”

That boy wiped his tears and sobbingly said, “I lost my new mobile. I am from a poor family yet my father bought me a mobile. If my father got to know that i lost my new mobile, he will be angry. I have searched for it everywhere but couldn’t find it. What will i do now??”

Sonu replied, “It’s really sad. I can’t do anything now but If you can please give me details of your mobile and address too so that if i find your mobile, i can return it to you..”

Sonu got details from the boy and then left. Before going home sonu went to his friend’s house.

When he reached his friend's house he found out that he was having a party. When sonu asked him the reason for the party, his friend replied that he had found a new mobile today.

Sonu asked him about the mobile and after knowing about it sonu realized that it’s the mobile of that poor kid whom he met on his way. Sonu was happy to know that he found his mobile.

Sonu told his friend about that poor boy and suggested that he should return it to him but his friend refused to return that mobile.

Sonu tried to convince his friend but his friend ignored him and continued with his party. Sonu felt sad and left.

After a month Sonu saw his friend in the park. He saw that he was crying.

Sonu asked his friend, “What happened?? Why are you crying??”

His friend replied, “I have lost my new mobile.”

Sonu replied, “It’s ok.. You are rich.. You can buy a new one..”

His friend replied, “Yes i am rich but that mobile was gifted to me by my father and he would be very sad to hear that i lost my mobile.”

Sonu replied, “Don’t worry.. If anyone finds it.. he will return it..”

Listening to this his friend starting crying again and said, “No, he won’t return because i never returned the mobile of that poor kid. Sonu now i realized what wrong i did at that time by not returning that mobile. I feel guilty. I still have that mobile and want to return it to that kid.”

Sonu was happy to hear that and went home to get the address of that poor kid. Sonu and his friend went to that address to return that mobile but there was no one. On asking neighbors they got to know that the family left some days ago.

Sonu’s friend felt guilty about not returning that mobile when sonu asked him to.

Moral of the story:
We don't understand Problems of Other until we Face one. It’s Better to Help Someone when You can. Helping Others bring Happiness not only to Other but to Yourself also.